Outside the Blocks: A Puzzle Podcast
Outside the Blocks: A Puzzle Podcast
25. A Musical Episode with Guest: Adam Doctoroff
Emma and Will are joined by speed solver extraordinaire, Adam Doctoroff, for a crash course in speed-solving and a discussion on the Muller Monthly Music Metas from 2023! Spoilers for 2023's MMMM puzzles ("Triple Up" and "Hope Springs Eternal" in particular), so go solve those first if you haven't already!
Links of interest:
Muller Monthly Music Meta: https://pmxwords.com/
2023 Mega Meta solution (this page also includes an explanation of the red herring and solution grids for all of the 2023 puzzles): https://pmxwords.com/2023-mega-meta-back-to-the-beginning-solution/
2023 Puzzles (puzzles and solutions for all 12 monthly puzzles are available from this page): https://pmxwords.com/2023-puzzles/
Want to get in touch with us? We would love to hear from you! You can reach Emma at damefoxwords@gmail.com, and you can reach Will at pandorasblockswmc@gmail.com. We may read your letter on a future episode!
Podcast hosting by Buzzsprout
Music by FASSounds from Pixabay